Love eternal - a miracle of Human existence..
Though I am personally skeptical about the institution of marriage, I have great admiration, respect and adoration for those who can live up to its vows with steadfastness, commitment and zest in the midst of all vicissitudes that life may bring to their table. It is one of those beautiful sights to behold - when one sees an elderly couple, ripe with age, twinkle in their eyes, arms knit together, and a sense of togetherness so tangible that it is almost possible to touch it with bare fingers. It reinstates my belief in the Future of Man. As we drove out today morning in the Hotel shuttle, I was accompanied by such a couple. They were heading to Florida to get on a cruise across the Panama canal. He was 87 and she was 81 - so they told me with a beaming smile on their faces. And the occasion for this travel happens to be their fiftieth anniversary of togetherness. Meticulously packed (over five suitcases), flawlessly dressed - they were as excited as twenty year olds. The lad...