Jottings : Slice of life - 90 ( “Pink” is just another color not a gender-connotation)
Jottings : Slice of life - 90 ( “Pink” is just another color not a gender-connotation) The sexual objectification of women, looking upon them as unequals not capable of walking shoulder to shoulder with Men has a very long biological and social history - pretty much extending to beginnings of Human species. Anthropologically, female sex was only a child bearing and domesticated member of the human group, and it has continued in various forms, shapes, ideologies and subtleties throughout the march of human civilization. It is surprising when you come to think of it that only 125 years have passed since women got the power to vote, to stand on equal terms “politically” alongside men. New Zealand was the first to adopt woman suffrage in 1893, followed by New south wales, then Finland followed by USA and Great Britain and rest. Saudi Arabia granted suffrage only few years ago ( 2011). It is still an evolving process in some remote corners of the globe. Democracy is great experiment of ...