
Showing posts from April, 2018

Jottings - slice of life - 206 ( Churchill’s finest hour)

Jottings - slice of life - 206 ( Churchill’s finest hour) “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” The core episodes of history, more often than not, are electrifying narratives of right leaders showing up at right moments to transform or change the course of a nation’s history, and consequently affect the fortunes of world at large. Who could deny that If not for Alexander’s daring expedition to the east with no more than a few thousand men to battle, the geographical boundaries of the modern world would have been different; If not for Julius Caesar’s flamboyance, courage and consummate tact in unifying Rome and establishing the first true republic encompassing most parts of Europe, the western civilization, as we know it wouldn’t have evolved; or Charlemagne’s unifying rule; or Ashoka’s spiritual influence , or the sagacity and ruthlessness of Peter the great - such names can roll on. It is nature’s law that from the crucible of s...

Jottings - Slice of life - 205 ( Ten intense days of tech and fun with my team )

Jottings - Slice of life - 205 ( Ten intense days of tech and fun with my team ) When I enrolled into NIIT as an ignorant and young student in the eighties, little did it cross my mind; nor in my wildest dreams has it ever occurred to me that one day I will be responsible for mentoring, channelizing and technically inspiring a group of energetic and enthusiastic teachers to lead the new wave of software education in NIIT nearly three decades later. My career as a technical evangelist has come a full circle. When I entered the meeting room today, a fairly senior mentor called me aside and asked “ Bala, How can I become like you? “. I was little taken aback by the question, but recovered quickly to answer “ you really dont have to be me; but more importantly you must be yourself and commit to mastering technology with zeal and passion. Thats all is needed”. Over the last two weeks, at our headquarters in Delhi, we elevated the discourse on software fundamentals to new levels of un...