Jottings - Slice of life - 231 ( "Kaala" - too lengthy a movie, but a rare glimpse into Rajni - the actor)
Jottings - Slice of life - 231 ( "Kaala" - too lengthy a movie, but a rare glimpse into Rajni - the actor) The problem with most Indian movies is that it has to be nearly three hours long. We simply cannot accept the idea that a story can be told convincingly and with sufficient entertainment is less than that. And most stories, we tell, hardly have enough meat in it to keep a discerning audience riveted for nearly 180 minutes. Movie makers may argue: we cater to the masses, and not to the high-nosed, Hollywood soaked literate gentry who walk into cinema halls only to critique and compare. That may be true; I am not questioning that. But the point is, evolution and appreciation of an art form is a bilateral responsibility. Unless the artist is bold and talented enough to change tastes and attitudes, their audience wouldn't have an opportunity to adapt and appreciate. Its a osmotic relationship. Every major change in trends - whether it be in music, painting, dance of ...