
Man's search for Meaning - a transforming account of Existentialism by Dr Viktor E Frankl

"Man's search for Meaning" - a book by Dr Viktor Frankl Most of us float through life without an existential crisis. In a way, it is a boon; for not many can survive the pangs of being stripped bare of all possessions - material, social and psychological. Biologically, a species is built for survival. An organism will persist in preserving its cellular integrity as far as it physically possible; but once that threshold is crossed, it gives itself away to mutation and irrevocable obliteration. But with Man, evolution is experimenting with a new way of being. There is a self-conscious element within him that is both a participant and an observer in the world he lives in. Over thousands of years of gradual and catastrophic changes, the inner life of a Human being has assumed several roles in different dimensions; to the extent that the proverbial “ghost in the machine”, as Arthur Koestler, phrased it, is now stands viscerally divorced from the physical self to a point th...