Jottings : Slice of life-21 ( dedicated to a friend and an accomplished artist)
Jottings : Slice of life-21 To appreciate an art in its finer forms, one needs to be inducted into its secrets. Nowhere is this need so visible as it is in mu sic, the most prevalent and accessible of all arts. It is one thing to just allow sound to envelop you in its melody or rhythm , and it is a totally different experience to listen to the same piece of sound with a finer ear for details. That is the reason not many of us can enjoy Classical music - whether it be Indian or western. And the reason is not far to seek. There are intricate forms of sound and harmony in a well conceived and studied composition that is not readily apparent to an average listening ear, unless it is pointed out by a Master or a connoisseur or by someone who has a natural ear to pick those nuances. And once its hidden beauty is indicated, an astute listener picks up that insight instantaneously, after which the experience of listening to Music undergoes a gestalt change. There arises richer depth and pr...