
Jottings  -  Slice of life  -  440 ( Minimalism  -  a few thoughts on the philosophy of simple living without the oppressive burden of accumulated things, and a Netflix documentary on the topic) There is absolutely no doubt that the modern age is one of relentless consumerism. Never in the history of mankind has man had so many goods and services to choose from, and more importantly, delivered to one’s doorsteps with a click of a button. If 2020 has unequivocally proved anything at all, it is how much we depend upon Amazon for whatever we wish ( except human trafficking) and how irrelevant our brick and mortar stores are fast becoming. Nothing surprising about this state of affairs at all. This was the promise of capitalism at the turn of the century ( in fact from Adam smith’s time in the 18th century) that every want will find a manufacturer who will have the means to fulfill it, and not only that, each material good in demand, will find multiple manufact...