
Meaning of Justice - the case of OJ Simpson ( Jottings - 105)

On June the 12th 1994, in a posh, upscale locality of Los Angeles, in the wee hours of morning, a middle aged man taking his dog on a stroll found the bodies of a young male and female lying beside each other battered, stabbed and decimated near the front gate of an elegant home. The policemen who arrived immediately at the scene were taken aback. Such brutality with blood stains all over the place seemed out of context in a neighborhood such as this. When they started looking around, they identified the female to be Nicole Simpson brown, the ex-wife of the legendary footballer O J Simpson and the young man to be Nicole’s friend Ron Goldman. For strange reasons inexplicable ( which defense lawyers would later use to their advantage) the puzzled detectives drove over to OJ’s house to ensure he was alright. But when they got there, their probing instincts quickly pointed out suspicious blood marks, an oddly parked white Bronco with few stains on it, and an used glove. Within a day, vis

Jottings - Slice of life - 98 ( Anatomy of fame..)

Jottings - Slice of life - 98 ( Anatomy of fame..) I recently finished reading a book by Journalist, film and art critic Leo Braudy titled “ The frenzy of renown”. Braudy wrote it in 1986 and is a voluminous book running into over 700 pages in small print, and quite a deep read. Its subject is the notion and understanding what “fame” means, and changes in its meaning and manifestation over time from early Greeks to Modern day stars and performers. It is a fascinating study of history and human activity from an angle never conceived before. Almost everything man does has an undertone of fame substantiating its execution. It could for fame within ones family, or circle of friends, society, professional, national, global, inner, outer - any possible category - but it is an undeniable fact that it is our innermost desire to have our existence, our acts, our thoughts immortalized in some way or the other. We fervently wish to leave behind a “legacy”. Even those who conspicuously shun

Lady Gaga

It was one of those extraordinary moments in sport, when the Patriots came in from virtually nowhere to beat the Falcons last Sunday. It definitely left plenty of broken hearts here in Atlanta, but I guess, this is exactly the strange and mysterious lure any game has on its followers. Its unpredictability, to spin up the unexpected in the most normal of times. Some may attribute the victory to the genius of one Man, but in all fairness, Falcon’s couldn't finish the game they started so well. It is possible the pressure, the stage and their incredible closeness to victory paralyzed their free flow of sporting energy. And in that frail moment of weakness and indecision, the Patriots swooped in, stole the cup from under their very noses. The game fascinated me, no doubt, but what fascinated me even more was the brief 15 minute performance by Lady Gaga ( born as Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta). As I watched her float down the stadium , decked in her florescent garment, mike in

Jottings : Slice of life - 90 ( “Pink” is just another color not a gender-connotation)

Jottings : Slice of life - 90 ( “Pink” is just another color not a gender-connotation) The sexual objectification of women, looking upon them as unequals not capable of walking shoulder to shoulder with Men has a very long biological and social history - pretty much extending to beginnings of Human species. Anthropologically, female sex was only a child bearing and domesticated member of the human group, and it has continued in various forms, shapes, ideologies and subtleties throughout the march of human civilization. It is surprising when you come to think of it that only 125 years have passed since women got the power to vote, to stand on equal terms “politically” alongside men. New Zealand was the first to adopt woman suffrage in 1893, followed by New south wales, then Finland followed by USA and Great Britain and rest. Saudi Arabia granted suffrage only few years ago ( 2011). It is still an evolving process in some remote corners of the globe. Democracy is great experiment of

Jottings - slice of life - 89 ( Gandhi behind the charka , and Modi’s identity)

Jottings - slice of life - 89 ( Gandhi behind the charka , and Modi’s identity) It is dangerous to tamper with deep rooted symbols, especially , if those symbols are emblematic of man's attachment and veneration of an ideal beyond himself. More so ,if millions look up to that symbol as an expression of something deep and transformatory, or is reminder of an historical event that forever changed the way they lived. Why is the cross so very special to Christians, or the linga to the Hindus, or the swastika was to the germans?. Those are portent symbols which evoked powerful responses from people. Swami Vivekananda was once asked by a king why he encouraged idol worship when he was a committed advaitin ( non- duality) himself. Vivekananda looked at him with his beautiful lotus shaped eyes and took the king by his hand to a huge portrait of the king’s father hanging in his lavish hall. Pointing his finger towards it he asked “ Who is this on the wall ?”. The king said “ My fa

Jottings : Slice of life -86 - part 2 ( Obama's farewell)

Jottings : Slice of life -86 - part 2 Obama’s farewell speech bought tears to many eyes. Why Not? Eight years of leadership, grace and dignity comes to very pleasant end, and America will be left relatively better than what it was when this young dynamic, black American President ascended the podium of Capitol hill to announce his arrival in thunderous, mellifluous and visionary prose in the winter of 2009. It was a momentous moment for this country. A promise, a covenant that the founding fathers of this great nation made 250 years ago to themselves and to its people to provide an equal land, opportunity to all those who seek its shores. And when Barack Obama became the 44th President, that promise was redeemed in full and equal measure. History is often a harsh judge. It tends to reflect the past through the prism of the present. The social and economic conditions Obama inherited were not easy, and the initial rhetoric of his Presidency probably did not match up with promises m

Jottings : Slice of life -85 ( Yet again .. a molestation, a violation)

Jottings : Slice of life -85 ( Yet again .. a molestation, a violation) In 2012, it needed the tragic, horrendous rape and subsequent death of a young medical student in Delhi to awaken the Indian legal system to a real menace threatening the fabric of our fragile democratic structure. For the first time, it came to light for the world to see, that four young, uneducated men, including a minor, not only groped a defenseless girl, but violated her privacy, mutilated her physical integrity and shamed her in a manner using means and methods that far exceeds the imagination of a normal sexually inebriated male. The sheer violence and defamation of the female body displayed in this case shook a nation - that claims thousands of years of modesty and female worship - to it very roots. Cultural pundits, social anthropologists, legal luminaries very left pondering wherefrom did these boys inherit so much of violence and disregard for the opposite sex? How did they muster the courage to do s