
Jottings - Slice of life -299 ( Blue Collared, White collared, and now “New collared” jobs - thoughts on the nature of jobs in the digital age)

Jottings - Slice of life -299 ( Blue Collared, White collared, and now “New collared” jobs - thoughts on the nature of jobs in the digital age) One of the key questions educators and the industry alike should answer very quickly is what kind of jobs are likely to take over as the twenty-first-century surges along, and Information technology at the workplace in deployed in increasing orders of magnitude. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine learning (ML), Cloud infrastructure, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Internet of things (IoT), are not merely buzz words anymore, meant for geeks and elitist computer professionals. It has already touched the daily lives of the common man in a thousand ways and will continue to transform the way we live and work in the foreseeable future. The key question then is what kind of skills are required for the IT jobs of the future, where most of the repetitive tasks will find BOT’s doing it better and more efficiently, most of the analysis done by a