Strategies for effective learning delivery - A few Pointers
Strategies for
Effective Learning Delivery
Ever since I was a young boy
in a classroom, the idea of teaching has always intrigued me. At school, there
were many teachers who made my attention wander or induced boredom. And then
there were those that had my undivided attention. They transfixed me, inspired
me and tickled my curiosity. I have often wondered what makes the difference.
What sets inspiring educators apart from their peers?
I still have fond memories of
my History teacher in 7th grade. He used to walk in to the class
without a single paper or book in his hand. He would often start a discussion
on a random topic and leave the whole class spellbound with his vivid account
of great Kings, Queens and events around the
world. He actually made history come alive – free from the confines of a drab
textbook. I always got exceptionally good grades in history as compared to
other subjects. My parents would often wonder why. Well, I wondered too.
It took me years to figure
out why. He made us relive history. In some way, I could experience history
through his words. That made it easy for me to retain what I had learned and
sail through the subject with effortless ease. There is a great difference
between enforcing education and involved learning. Teaching is the art of
getting the student involved in the subject without coercion.
When I got to college in India , my
parents thought it was best to enroll me at NIIT (an upcoming computer
educational institute). They had the vision to understand that a future professional
needed to be computer literate. Computers, software? Honestly, I had no clue
what I was in for.
The first day is still vivid
in my memory. As the instructor, a
middle aged lady immaculately dressed in a sari walked in with a bunch of
overhead projector slides in her hand, I was a little anxious. The teacher put
the slides down on the table. What she said in the next ten minutes,
transformed my life.
What she essentially told us
was that learning and developing software was the easiest task in the world.
All one had to do was think rationally and logically. For the next three months,
she took us through the intricate yet simple process of creating flowcharts and
the ability to dissect and branch a problem into possible workflows. By the end
of the program, the new learning had not just made me understand and love the
details of code and software but had also given me an additional gift of mental
discipline and the ability to think through a problem and find a logical
What was the magic here? The instructor
knew how to present the subject to an audience and get them to think for
themselves and get involved in the learning process. She would never force anyone
to accept a solution that they weren’t convinced about. She would explore various
workflows and was open to discussion and modification. The freedom to learn the
process rather than the book was the key. Every student in that class passed
with flying colors in that module. We had come from diverse backgrounds but her
involved method of teaching transformed our thinking. It would not be unfair to
say that those three months of creating flowcharts were the foundation of my
software career. I hope we continue to have
educators like her in the industry.
Over the years, I have had
the opportunity to teach varied audiences which include young college graduates,
developers, implementation teams, solution architects, project managers, senior
sales teams and CEOs. These strategies
that I am outlining are my personal experiences as an instructor:
Strategy 1: Get to know
your audience and their training needs
The success of a classroom
session largely depends on the instructor’s understanding of them. Therefore,
all instructors must spend at least the first half an hour getting to know the
audience – their background, training needs and expectations from the session. A
lively and interactive ice-breaking session sets the tone for the rest of the
program – so make sure you don’t confine the introduction to a form full of
names and titles. Participants come to training for a specific reason and those
objectives must be addressed in the context of the course. You can teach the
same topic each time with a different focus.
Advice for upcoming
instructors: The first one hour of a class can make or break your training
program – connect with your customer – and shift focus accordingly.
Strategy 2: Refresh
Every training program has
some qualifiers and prerequisites which participants must already be familiar
with before they move to an advanced level. It is always a good practice to
check with your audience if they need a quick refresher on those prerequisites.
I always do that in my classes. The products that I teach need a J2EE or.NET
background and going back to the basics puts participants at ease. It raises
their comfort level when they realize that the instructor is on the same page
as them so that they can facilitate the learning process together.
Advice for upcoming
instructors: Don’t jump the gun with your audience – start from where they are
and guide them along the learning path.
Strategy 3: Keep it Real
This brings me back to my
history teacher. Always draw on examples from real life – have a story to tell
for each topic. This helps participants associate what they have learned with a
practical example of how it works in the real world and provides a reference
point to learning when they develop solutions for customers. IT training
courses cannot be theoretical nor can we use metaphors for all topics. To keep
a fine balance, instructors must continuously research their subject. Every onsite
experience should be taken as a learning opportunity. Spend as much time as
possible with customers and understand problems and solutions in the real world.
Training should not only be a nine- to-five job. Spend a few minutes everyday
to reflect on audience responses and learn from the experience. Every question
posed by the audience is an opportunity to learn more.
Advice for upcoming instructors: Don’t confine yourself to a text book. Learn from your audience, take mental notes and share stories to evolve your training style.
Advice for upcoming instructors: Don’t confine yourself to a text book. Learn from your audience, take mental notes and share stories to evolve your training style.
Strategy 4: Make it Your
As we always say at NIIT,
training is our business and our passion. Instructors must be passionate about
the subject they teach. The love and enthusiasm for the subject should be
evident when they teach. Audiences must perceive that energy in the instructor.
Software is a vast field with many available options. When participants come
into a class they are all on slippery ground. They are unsure about the product
or platform. It’s our job to give them the confidence to go back to their work
places equipped with the skills to increase their competency and productivity.
Advice for upcoming instructors: Teaching is not a job. It is a responsibility.
Advice for upcoming instructors: Teaching is not a job. It is a responsibility.
And finally, the above are
just some core strategies for learning delivery in IT training that I have
shared. There are endless possibilities and approaches in an instructor’s
journey. Evolve your own approach but always ensure that it works for your