A beloved Friend - A short memorial
Plato proclaimed immortality to be in the undying memory of a person, but perhaps the Master was a trifle mistaken when he wrote these words. For, when physical presence of a loved friend, guide and mentor passes away; the sudden absence strikes us like a gust of wind, blinding ones wisdom- no matter, how subtly philosophy and religion manages to camouflage death with its ratiocinations, platitudes and promise of a God and after-life; the blunt reality, though, is a tremendous void, a vacuity that can never be filled.
Yesterday, I got to know that a dear family friend, ailing from cancer for some time had quietly passed away after a brief period of hospitalization. She must have been around seventy five old. In many ways, she was close to our family, more so to me. Her gentle smile, prodding confidence, and infectious optimism has brightened many a dark day in my life. Despite my self-defeating acts, unpardonable blunders, wayward life style - I have never heard her utter a word of admonishment. She had this quiet, unshakable confidence in my abilities and future that I couldn't perceive in myself. In an imperceptible manner, her positivity and hope permeated my being, and what I am today is largely because of her strong presence at pivotal points in my life's journey. It is not that I met her very often, or talked to her every week. No! It is just the comforting thought that she was alive somewhere; showering upon me - her goodness, encouragement and blessing over every little progress that gives this relationship its value.
I am philosophic enough to understand the passage of mortality; but then I am painfully human as well to feel the pangs of loss. But in her case, I take consolation in the fact that it was a life well lived; a wonderful balance of traditionalism and modernity; rooted in moral values and adaptive to changing times as needed. Above all, when I close my eyes, it is the image of her smiling face, soft and gentle voice, measured wisdom and remarkable patience - that comes to my mind. And it is this fragment of memory that will remain immortal amidst our family.
I was happy to hear that she died as peacefully as she lived. St Paul’s wonderful words in the first epistles of Corinthians could well apply to her:
“O' death, where is thy sting? O' grave, where is thy victory?”
God bless her soul, and provide solace to all her beloved ones…
Yesterday, I got to know that a dear family friend, ailing from cancer for some time had quietly passed away after a brief period of hospitalization. She must have been around seventy five old. In many ways, she was close to our family, more so to me. Her gentle smile, prodding confidence, and infectious optimism has brightened many a dark day in my life. Despite my self-defeating acts, unpardonable blunders, wayward life style - I have never heard her utter a word of admonishment. She had this quiet, unshakable confidence in my abilities and future that I couldn't perceive in myself. In an imperceptible manner, her positivity and hope permeated my being, and what I am today is largely because of her strong presence at pivotal points in my life's journey. It is not that I met her very often, or talked to her every week. No! It is just the comforting thought that she was alive somewhere; showering upon me - her goodness, encouragement and blessing over every little progress that gives this relationship its value.
I am philosophic enough to understand the passage of mortality; but then I am painfully human as well to feel the pangs of loss. But in her case, I take consolation in the fact that it was a life well lived; a wonderful balance of traditionalism and modernity; rooted in moral values and adaptive to changing times as needed. Above all, when I close my eyes, it is the image of her smiling face, soft and gentle voice, measured wisdom and remarkable patience - that comes to my mind. And it is this fragment of memory that will remain immortal amidst our family.
I was happy to hear that she died as peacefully as she lived. St Paul’s wonderful words in the first epistles of Corinthians could well apply to her:
“O' death, where is thy sting? O' grave, where is thy victory?”
God bless her soul, and provide solace to all her beloved ones…
Though I don't know this lady the obituary has given me a very vivid image of her.I pray for her soul to rest in peace.
S Mohan