The day I bought my car in the US - 13th December 2015

"It's been a long time coming, but I know a change is gonna come." - Sam Cooke, writer and singer, 1964
As an immigrant, one of the first acts of spending in the US is on a car. Rightly so. It is considered almost impossible to move around unless there is one in our possession. Also, The system of trading cars here makes it so very simple to acquire one. From the time we conceive of buying a vehicle to the point of actually buying, it would take not more than a day to three days. Add to it, the plethora of options not only in terms of what car, make, color, Mileage and the rest of it , but also different financial options available - it becomes almost impossible to resist buying a beauty that exceeds ones budget or expectations. Therefore It is not very uncommon to see young families driving a BMW, Porsche or a Mazda on a shoestring immigrant worker salary. But that's alright. This is supposedly a land of dreams, milk and honey , and one has the right to be a little indulgent and profligate ( slightly harsh word, but used in a milder sense :))
Well, in these many years I never thought of buying a car. Not for want of resources or help, but I simply did not feel the need or necessity to own one. The nature of my work, and the location of my residence made it convenient for me to walk around. Blessed with a wonderful cabbie, who has been gracious enough to drive me wherever I wanted to at moment's notice and reasonable cost, it never felt it an impediment not owning a car. And of course, when I traveled for personal reasons, I rented whenever I needed it ( which, again not very regularly).
So I finally broke that impasse yesterday. I have come to believe - perhaps belief is not the right word - but accept that life brings in its own consummation at the right time. We just have to wait for it. The day i got mugged a few weeks ago, this decision began crystallizing in my mind. And once the thought took shape and form, rest followed easily. A very close family friend suggested a car, I organized finance and possession taken - all in span of two days.
Frankly, Now that I own one, I am not particularly elated or euphoric about it. It will definitely help me in being little safer on the roads (less opportunity to get mugged, I would guess), and take me around a bit faster ; but otherwise, I dont think it will change my life style drastically. Aah! the only perceptible comfort will be my ability to drive down to local libraries whenever I wish to, or to an eclectic bookshop in a god forsaken place somewhere, or disappear to a log cabin in Smoky Mountains to be enveloped in mist, beauty and fragrance to spend hours reading and writing or contemplating. Yes - these are some pleasures I can give way to...
So , Here we are. Some pics of this newest member of our family.
God bless...
Yours in mortality,


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