
The inner drive..

Temperature in Atlanta, for most part this week has been below zero. I guess this is first time this season that the presence of winter is making itself felt. In the mornings when I go out for a Swim, there is hardly anybody walking on the streets. Even those in cars seems to be covering their head with Hoodies (God knows why??). The chatter in the Health club is all about negotiating this "extreme" climate. Funny, though!!. This is hardly a ferocious winter when one compares it to other parts of US. Yet, I guess, people get acclimatized to local conditions, and tend to exaggerate them beyond proportion. Normally, I walk through my office buildings to get to other side where the Health club is located; and it is my practice (or more of a fond ritual..) that I stop at the further end of the building to talk for a few minutes with a very pleasant lady who works as security in-charge at that gate. She has good passion for her job, and she smiles and greets almost everyone wh