
Jottings - Slice of life - 424 ( The accidental act of indiscretion by Jeffrey Toobin, and some personal thoughts on the culture of virtual meetings)

Jeffrey Toobin, the CNN legal analyst and a fabulous writer for the Newyorker magazine, is under the spotlight the last few days for his accidental act of indiscretion on Zoom. Toobin was found masturbating during a routine internal video conference with his colleagues. His defense is that he didn’t realize the camera was "on" during a scheduled break out session. Mistakenly assuming the camera was not on, he continued to chat on another line while simultaneously pleasuring himself. The participants in the call, out of deference for the man, and his awkward predicament, kept quiet during the call; but later registered the issue with the Magazine on Toobin’s conduct. Given the hype and sensitivity on acts of sexual misdemeanor of any kind or proportion, especially by a male, it came as no surprise that both CNN and the Newyorker promptly suspended Toobin without much deliberation, and the man himself has now declared he is on professional sabbatical, after offering a sincere